Bachelor in Speech Therapy and in Audiology (Bruges) (180 ECTS)



In order to be admitted to a Bachelor's programme, you must submit one of the diplomas or evidences listed below:
- a secondary school diploma;
- a short term higher education qualification with a full curriculum;
- a higher education diploma for social promotion, with the exception of the Certificate of Educational Competence;
- a diploma or certificate issued in the framework of higher vocational education;
- a level of post-secondary education.
Students with a diploma obtained in a country that ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention are admitted to a Bachelor's programme if the diploma obtained in that country also gives access to higher education.
Students with a diploma obtained in a country that did not ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention can be admitted to a bachelor's programme if the diploma obtained in that country also gives access to similar higher education and if the students pass an additional assessment of competences.
Foreign candidate students must also demonstrate that they meet the language requirements.


In order to be admitted to a Bachelor's programme, you must submit one of the diplomas or evidences listed below:
- a secondary school diploma;
- a short term higher education qualification with a full curriculum;
- a higher education diploma for social promotion, with the exception of the Certificate of Educational Competence;
- a diploma or certificate issued in the framework of higher vocational education;
- a level of post-secondary education.
Students with a diploma obtained in a country that ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention are admitted to a Bachelor's programme if the diploma obtained in that country also gives access to higher education.
Students with a diploma obtained in a country that did not ratify the Lisbon Recognition Convention can be admitted to a bachelor's programme if the diploma obtained in that country also gives access to similar higher education and if the students pass an additional assessment of competences.
Foreign candidate students must also demonstrate that they meet the language requirements.
