internship 1 (B-VIVN-B3C146)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch10 Both termsBoth terms
Michaux Ingrid (coordinator) |  De Beule Isabel |  Igodt Nele |  Michaux Ingrid |  Patteeuw Tine |  Roeyers Hilde |  Vandevoorde Rudy |  Verstraete Jo |  Willemarck Ellen |  N.  | LessMore
VIVES N POC PBA Logopedie en audiologie

This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


1.5 ects. practicum normale ontwikkeling   (B-VIVN-B5C150)

1.5 ECTSDutchFormat: Assignment8 First termFirst term
De Beule Isabel |  Igodt Nele |  Roeyers Hilde |  Vandevoorde Rudy |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Logopedie en audiologie

    1.5 ects. inleefstage (B-VIVN-B5C151)

    1.5 ECTSDutchFormat: Internship2 Second termSecond term
    Michaux Ingrid |  Patteeuw Tine |  Vandevoorde Rudy |  Verstraete Jo |  Willemarck Ellen |  N.  | LessMore
    VIVES N POC PBA Logopedie en audiologie



      Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

      AssessmentGrading scale
      TOTAL1-20/20 scale


      This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.