Emerging technologies (B-VIVN-B3Z028)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch4 First termFirst term
Vercruysse Emmanuel (coordinator) |  Vercruysse Emmanuel
VIVES overkoepelende vakken


  • The student gets to know different technological innovations;
  • The student acquires an insight in possibilities, opportunities and threats of the technologies in scope and this in relation to himself, the future working environment and the broader society.
  • The student learns how to implement the different technologies;





3 ects. Emerging technologies (B-VIVN-B5Z028)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical-assignment4 First termFirst term
Vercruysse Emmanuel
VIVES overkoepelende vakken

The study course (OPO) of Emerging Technologies focusses on diverse technological innovations. Not only will you get acquainted with the exact meaning of these technologies, their corresponding possibilities, opportunities and threats for you as a student, your future working place or society in general, but they will also be focused upon in an inspiring and critical way.

Online learning platform: Toledo

The course material can be in English.

The OPO consists of:

  • An online course that can be followed at your own pace in which you get to know different technological innovations;
  • A optional practical session in which the different technologies can be experienced in real life.

The way in which the practical session will be organized, where it will take place and how you can inscribe, will be communicated through TOLEDO.

In case of exceptional circumstances, the practical session can be replaced by an alternative assignment.



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTALPass / Fail

The evaluation of this OPO will happen through permanent evaluation (100%). The following criteria will be part of the evaluation:

  • Successfully going through the online course material;
  • A positive participation during the optional practical session;
  • Being able to answer questions during this session.

In exceptional circumstances, parts of the foreseen evaluation activity can be replaced by online alternatives.

This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.

  • There are no partial transfers for this OPO.
  • In case of a resit there will be an alternative assignment provided.
  • Tolerance is not possible