Digital media in Education: Research (B-VIVN-B3P298)

6 studiepuntenEngelsTweede semesterTweede semester
Pillaert Justine (coördinator) |  Pillaert Justine |  Van Eecke Lien |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Secundair Onderwijs


Begeleider van ontwikkelings- of leerprocessen / Guiding learning processes

Opvoeder/ Educator

Inhoudelijk expert/ Expert in knowledge

Innovator /onderzoeker




Vaardigheden: begrijpen, lezen, spreken, schrijven   

Skills: reading, writing, speaking, understanding


Zelfstandigheid / Be independent



6 sp. Digital media in Education: Research (B-VIVN-B5P298)

6 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: OpdrachtTweede semesterTweede semester
Pillaert Justine |  Van Eecke Lien |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Secundair Onderwijs

The student examinates an aspect of digital media in education and writes a paper on that topic. The student is guided by the teacher in this process. Afterwards, the student presents the results of his or her topic to the teacher and other students via a presentation. 

Optional aspect for 3 ECTS: link your research to the international Utopia-project. 

Literature review depending on the topic. 

The paper has to be written in English. All communication will be in English. 

Paper and presentation. In case of unexpected circumstances, there will be an online alternative for guidance and for the presentation. 


digital media in the school: research (B-VIVN-B74021)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Paper/Werkstuk, Presentatie
Leermateriaal : Geen

TOTAAL1-20/20 puntenschaal

The student will present the paper in class by means of a presentation. The presentation and paper will be evaluated. In case of unexpected circumstances, all communication will be conducted online and there will be an online alternative for the presentation of the paper. 

Voor dit opleidingsonderdeel zijn er geen deeloverdrachten.

Rewriting (parts of) the paper.