Team Internship (B-VIVN-B3PA35)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
7 ECTSDutch18 Second termSecond term
Gheysen Riet (coordinator) |  Gheysen Riet |  Ver Eecke Heidi |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Kleuteronderwijs

This course unit is a non-tolerable course unit in the following study programme(s):


7 ects. Team Internship (B-VIVN-B5PA35)

7 ECTSDutchFormat: Internship18 Second termSecond term
Gheysen Riet |  Ver Eecke Heidi |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Kleuteronderwijs



    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

    AssessmentGrading scale
    TOTAL1-20/20 scale


    No 2nd examination opportunity.
    This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.