Connecting with Myself and the Children (B-VIVN-B3PA01)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch48 Both termsBoth terms
Depoorter Tina (coordinator) |  Baeten Liesbeth |  Cnockaert Yoni |  Crul Koen |  Depoorter Tina |  Goekint Céline |  Hardyns Linsey |  Keppens Karen |  Michiels Hilde |  Ost Marleen |  Rotsaert Lieve |  Van Eecke Lien |  Van Helleputte Bert |  Van Parys Bieke |  Vanderiviere Yentl |  Vermeulen Jana |  N.  | LessMore
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Kleuteronderwijs


6 ects. Connecting with Myself and the Children (B-VIVN-B5PA01)

6 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment48 Both termsBoth terms
Baeten Liesbeth |  Cnockaert Yoni |  Crul Koen |  Depoorter Tina |  Goekint Céline |  Hardyns Linsey |  Keppens Karen |  Michiels Hilde |  Ost Marleen |  Rotsaert Lieve |  Van Eecke Lien |  Van Helleputte Bert |  Van Parys Bieke |  Vanderiviere Yentl |  Vermeulen Jana |  N.  | LessMore
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Kleuteronderwijs



    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Presentation

    AssessmentGrading scale
    TOTAL1-20/20 scale


    This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.