Practice in a Pre-School (B-VIVN-B3P300)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSEnglishSecond termSecond term
De Schryver Liezelotte (coordinator) |  De Schryver Liezelotte |  Van Eecke Lien |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Secundair Onderwijs

In this course the following competences will be developed.

  • Students use their professional (educational, didactical, organizational) skills in different contexts;
  • Students reflect critically on their educational theories and practices;
  • Students communicate in an international setting (by using a foreign language);
  • Students guide their own practice, take into account the feedback they get;
  • Students work as a team player in a new challenging professional setting;
  • Students take into account the diversity of the (learning) group in their ways of practice ;
  • Students observe advantages and weaknesses of different ways of teaching;
  • Students describe differences/similarities  in (school)organizational climates;


In addition, students will define, as part of a team and in cooperation with a mentor, their own goals and learning outcomes before starting teaching.


6 ects. Practice in a Pre-School (B-VIVN-B5P300)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: InternshipSecond termSecond term
De Schryver Liezelotte |  Van Eecke Lien |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Onderwijs: Secundair Onderwijs

The students will observe, participate and teach in a class and school. The age of the children will be according the study-level in the home institution.

The students do some assignments linked to the school and the internship. 

The syllabus will contain all materials, sources and information related to the course, including the details about the assignments and the evaluation.

In exeptional circumstances, if practice cannot take place, we will offer a switch to a Research program or find a fitting solution, based on the events occurring.



Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio

AssessmentGrading scale
TOTAL1-20/20 scale

Assignments, Participation introduction and intervision 40 %

Practice, Internship in the school 60 %


To succeed, both parts of internship must be done.

To do the practice in a Flemish school, it is obligatory to take the Dutch language course (except when Dutch is the native language).

In exceptional circumstances, if practice cannot take place, we will offer a switch to a Research program or find a fitting solution, based on the events occurring.

It is required to pass this course. Retakes are not possible. 

This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.

It is required to pass this course. Retakes are not possible.