French (B-VIVN-B3J562)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
5 ECTSFrench40 Both termsBoth terms
Raes Joëlle (coordinator) |  Raes Joëlle |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Toerisme en recreatiemanagement


5 ects. French (B-VIVN-B5J819)

5 ECTSFrenchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment40 Both termsBoth terms
Raes Joëlle |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Toerisme en recreatiemanagement



    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Portfolio, Skills test
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : None

    AssessmentGrading scale
    TOTAL1-20/20 scale
    B5J819 - French1-20/20 scale
    deelexamen januari1-20/20 scale


    This course unit does not allow partial mark transfers.