Computer- & operatingsystems (B-VIVN-B1I045)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch54 First termFirst term
Leroy Mathieu (coordinator) |  Leroy Mathieu |  N.
VIVES N POC AD Internet of Things


2 ects. Computersystems (B-VIVN-B6I045)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical18 First termFirst term
Leroy Mathieu |  N.
VIVES N POC AD Internet of Things

    2 ects. Operatingsystems 1 (B-VIVN-B6I417)

    2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment18 First termFirst term
    Leroy Mathieu |  N.
    VIVES N POC AD Internet of Things

      2 ects. Operatingsystems 2 (B-VIVN-B6I400)

      2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture-practical-assignment18 First termFirst term
      Leroy Mathieu |  N.
      VIVES N POC AD Internet of Things



        Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
        Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
        Learning material : Computer, None

        AssessmentGrading scale
        TOTAL1-20/20 scale
        B6I045 - Computersystems1-20/20 scale
        B6I417 - Operatingsystems 11-20/20 scale
        B6I400 - Operatingsystems 21-20/20 scale


        This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

        • B6I045 - Computersystems (during and beyond academic year)
        • B6I417 - Operatingsystems 1 (during and beyond academic year)
        • B6I400 - Operatingsystems 2 (during and beyond academic year)