Tropical healthcare (B-VIVN-B3D687)

3 studiepuntenEngels24 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
Verschuere Sarah (coördinator) |  Verschuere Sarah |  N.
Extern Katholieke Hogeschool VIVES Zuid
VIVES N POC PBA Verpleegkunde

Leerresultaat VPK:

14. Reflecteert continu op het eigen verpleegkundig handelen, analyseert zijn eigen leerbehoeften en vertaalt deze autonoom in initiatieven tot professionalisering en evenwichtig functioneren

                14.3 Initiatieven nemen tot professionalisering

14.3.3 De student onderneemt zelfstandig initiatieven voor zijn persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling

Leerresultaat VRK:

9. Werkt aan permanente profilering van het beroep en de professionalisering via het voortdurend kritisch in vraag stellen van het eigen functioneren en door het volgen van vormingsinitiatieven. Reflecteert op de eigen praktijk en verwerkt deze reflecties in het professioneel handelen

                9.3 Volgt professionaliseringsactiviteiten die voorbereiden op het levenslang leren

9.3.3 De student volgt professionaliseringsactiviteiten die voorbereiden op levenslang leren


Learning objectives

  • Introduce students to health care systems in the tropics
  • Introduce students to key tropical health challenges, their presentations, diagnoses, treatment and prevention
  • Understand the public health implication of tropical diseases

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students shall be able to:

  • Describe key health systems in the tropics
  • Describe the main determinants of health
  • Identify and classify key pathogens found in the tropics
  • Name key diseases found in the tropics
  • Describe how key diseases are diagnosed and treated
  • Demonstrate how key tropical maladies are investigated
  • Describe the levels and role of prevention in tropical health
  • Describe the impact of tropical diseases


  • Intercultural competence  - Cultural self-knowledge
    You have knowledge of your own frame of reference and worldview, and can relate this to other views. 
  • Intercultural competence  - Cultural responsiveness
    You listen to the other person's vision and expertise and at the same time accept the relevance of their own vision and ideas. 
  • Intercultural competence  - Cultural knowledge
    You acquire knowledge about other cultures and use this knowledge in an adapted way with respect for the uniqueness of each individual person. 
  • Intercultural competence  - Multi-perspective approach
    You approach and understand a situation, issue or problem from multiple cultural perspectives. 
  • Language skills   - Writing a text in another language
  • You are able to expresses yourself in writing in at least one language other than your mother tongue, in such a way that you are able to produce  a clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to the field of study.  Language skills   -  Speaking a foreign language
  • You are able to express yourself verbally in at least one language other than your mother tongue, in such a way that you present detailed descriptions in workrelated contexts, on a wide range of topics, and you are quite able to participate in a fluent and spontaneous conversation with native speakers.  Language skills   - Being able to understand oral texts in a foreign language
  • You are able to understand more complex argumentations and lectures related to the field of  study, spoken in at least one language other than the mother tongue, and you’re is able to replicate the main train of thought.  Language skills   - Being able to understand a written text in a foreign language
  • You understand texts written in at least one other language other than your mother tongue and relate to his field of study,  and you’re able to replicate the most important trains of thought.  Language skills   -  using language strategies
  • You can use standard expressions to keep your conversation going, help keep a conversation on a familiar topic going, usually catch flaws in your vocabulary and sentence structure by using descriptions, and usually correct errors and mistakes.  Global Engagement -  International orientation
  • You can place local events and practices in an international context by indicating the international consequences of local events and the influence of an international or European context on these local situations.  International expertise - Being able to situate his discipline within the international context
  • You can indicate to what extent the professional practice in your home country and a specific professional situation is influenced by international political and social developments  International expertise Having a developed knowledge of the professional activities of you discipline in other countries You can compare (elements of) the professional practice in your home country with (elements of) the professional practice in other countries.  International expertise Being aware of relevant international organizations within your field
  • You can make explicit the influence of international professional and interest groups on the professional practice in your home country. 


3 sp. Tropical healthcare (B-VIVN-B5D687)

3 studiepuntenEngelsWerkvorm: College-practicum24 urenBeide semestersBeide semesters
Verschuere Sarah |  N.
VIVES N POC PBA Verpleegkunde

The burden of disease remains high in the tropical world, with infectious diseases taking the biggest toll. This is exacerbated by prevailing poverty, ignorance and insecurity. New disease causing organisms continue to be found in tropical countries not to mention recurring epidemics. But, what are the key health challenges of the tropics and how are health systems organised to deal with them?

This module gives an insight on key health challenges facing people that stay in the tropics and how their health systems are responding to prevent and manage them. This subject will be taught in English.

The exam questions will be in English, the student may choose in which language he/she completes the exam: Dutch or English.

Module Description

This one week module will have the following key topics;

  • Man and disease (How and why we get infections)
  • The peculiarity of the tropics and disease
  • Determinants of health
  • Tropical pathogens
  • The disease burden of the tropics
  • Disease management in the tropics
  • How to examine for key diseases in the tropics
  • Getting it right; how key tropical maladies are investigated
  • Levels and the role of prevention in tropical health

Key featured diseases

  • Malaria
  • TB
  • Diarrheal diseases
  • Neglected tropical diseases
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • NCDs
  • malnutrition
  • Haemorrhagic fevers

The syllabus will be available on Toledo

This subject will be taught in English

A combination of methods (mix of online and face2face classes) will be used though students are also encouraged to carry out their own personal reading. The following shall be used;

  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Audio videoclips on diagnosis, management and prevention of tropical diseases
  • Demonstrations

The forms of work used are offered in a mix of on-campus and off-campus activities. In exceptional circumstances, part of the contact moments on campus may be replaced by an online alternative.


Tropical healthcare (B-VIVN-B77329)

Type : Examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Schriftelijk
Vraagvormen : Meerkeuzevragen, Open vragen, Gesloten vragen
Leermateriaal : Geen


100% written exam

Voor dit opleidingsonderdeel zijn er geen deeloverdrachten.